Tresočka v rožnatem oboku
Naj prekinem serijo prazničnih voščilnic z voščilnico za 40. rojstni dan. Za tokratno slavljenko sem izdelala kar dve voščilnici, drugo voščilnico pa pokažem v naslednji objavi.
S to voščilnico sem prekinila tudi obdobje, ko pri svojem ustvarjanju nisem barvala motivov. Kar preveč časa je že minilo, odkar sem nazadnje poprijela po alkoholnih markerjih in barvicah, zato sem se odločila, da jih vključim v to voščilnico.

Oblika voščilnice je troslojna tresočka, z okencem na sprednji strani. Tako obliko voščilnice sem uporabila tudi pri TEJ voščilni s samorogi. Ima neki svoj posebni čar, poleg tega pa omogoča tudi veliko prostora za okrasitev. V tem primeru sem v notranjost dodala tudi manjšo kuverto, kamor se je dalo darilo oz. prispevek za dopust v daljne kraje.
Sprednjo stran voščilnice sem izdelala s štampiljko Mavelu – Romantični oboki v cvetju, katero sem odtisnila s pomočjo črne Mavelu blazinice – Black sapphire. Motive sem pobarvala s pomočjo Nuvo alkoholnih markerjev. Okno v sredini voščilnice sem izrezala s pomočjo naprave Brother Scan-n-cut. Oba panela sta skupaj zlepljena s 3D penastim lepilnim trakom. Polnilo za tresočke so razni Mavelu kompleti sekvinov. Število 40 sem izrezala s šablonami Tine Baša za Rayher Velike številke. Voščilo “vse najboljše” je štampiljka Mavelu – Naj bo fantastično.

Na drugo stran voščilnice sem prav tako odtisnila rožnat okvir, le da sem v notranjost odtisnila voščilo iz istega kompleta štampiljk.
V samo notranjost sem, kot že rečeno, dodala manjšo kuverto in vse skupaj dekorirala z napisom in manjšimi odtisi rož, ki se prav tako nahajajo na kompletu štampiljk Mavelu – Romantični oboki v cvetju.
Prejemnica je bila navdušena nad voščilnico in samim darilom, ki se je, priročno, nahajal v sami voščilnici.

Kajpa tebi? Je voščilnica všeč? Zaupaj mi v komentarju spodaj, z veseljem ga bom prebrala.
- Krafty chicks challenge: Challenge #645 – week 1 (stamp act)
- Lil patch of crafty friends: AG #197
- Pammie’s Inky Pinkies Challenges: AG #2301
- Avenue 613: AG January 2023
- Allsorts challenge: #710 – Something new: I used brand new stamp sets from Mavelu.com that were part of their Santa mystery box.
- Cardz 4 galz: #189-Choose your favourite challenge, during 2022 from our blog #169 Spring Flowers
- Creative fingers challenge blog: AG #245
- Love to Scrap challenge blogspot: AG #159
- Corrosive challenges by Janet: AG #1
- Crafts Galore Encore Challenge: January #107
- Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge: Simon Says: Shake It Up!
- Creative Creases Challenge: #48 AG with a Fun Fold
- Najlepši par: Galerija Januar 2023
P.S s to voščilnico sem zmagala na blog izzivu, za kar sem izredno vesela in hvaležna.

Hvala za ogled in komentarje.
Lep pozdrav.

26 komentarjev
Čudovita voščilnica <3
Hvala, hvala, hvala. LP, Anka
Louise Zieseniss
Gorgeous card Anka. Love all the details and the colouring.
Thanks so much for joining us for our Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge #197 sponsored by All Dressed Up Stamps.
We hope to see you again soon,
Lou DT xo
JemLou Productions
Thank you Lou, I’m glad you stopped by at my blog. Anka x
Wow, your card is stunning. I love all the elements – the fold, the window, the shaker. This is truly a beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with us this month at Corrosive Challenge Blog.
Thank you Lola, I’m really glad you like it! Best regards, Anka
Barbara Bruder
What a gorgeous card. Love the designs and your coloring is awesome. Thank you for sharing with us over here at Love to Scrap Challenge Blog and best of luck with your entry.
Barbara DT Member for https://lovetoscrapchallengeblog.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much Barbara. Best regards, Anka
Fabulous card!
Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m
Thank you Mervi, glad you like it! Best regards, Anka
This is absolutely gorgeous. Your colouring is amazing and I love how you’ve added shaker elements in these colours! I LOVE that gold 40! Thanks for joining us on the front porch at 613 The Avenue Create! Hope to see you again soon!
Hugs, Kate (Cards a la Kate)!
Thank you Kate for your kind words. It’s always fun to play at 613 The Avenue Create challenge. BR, Anka
Shaker cards are one of my favourite styles of cards to make and this one is a beauty!
Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.
Lorraine, thank you for stopping by at my blog and commenting. Best regards, Anka
Debbie Mageed
What a wonderful fun fold card! I really love that you added the shaker to the layers. Thank you for playing at Creative Creases Challenge and hope you can join in again soon.
Debbie DT
Secrets To Stamping
Debbie thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. Much appreciated. Best regards, Anka
Dena Hughes
A beautifully colored and designed card! Love the gold and shine in the shaker. Thank you for joining the Something New challenge at Allsorts.
Thank you Dena, much appreciated. Best regards, Anka
Pam Tiedtke
This card is wonderfully gorgeous and I wish we could have it be chosen as a winner or honorary mention but our PIP Challenge rules and guidelines only allow a card to be entered into a total of 10 challenges. I’m so sorry. This is stunning!! I hope you try entering something else in the future minding the guidelines!!
Thank you for stopping by Pam, and I am really, really sorry for missing the guidelines. I just wasn’t paying attention, I guess. I will definitely do it the next time! Thank you again and best regards, Anka
Karen Finkle
Your card is beautifully colored and designed. Thank you for entering it in Pammie’s Inky Pinkies Challenge. I am on Pam’s design team but I’m also on the Creative Creases Anything with a Fun Fold design team too. I hope you’ll enter your card there for Challenge #48.
Thank you Karen, I’m glad you like it. And thanks for the suggestion about the other challenge. This should be fun! Best regards, Anka
Melanie Hungerford
So pretty, I love the colors and shading, and such a unique way to make a shaker card! Thanks for sharing with us at Krafty Chicks.
It was really fun making this card. Thank you for stopping by and commenting Melanie. BR, Anka
This really is so pretty and lovrly design with the arch shaker, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts ‘Something New’ theme thius week.
B x
Thank you for the kind words and stopping by Brenda! Best regards, Anka