Božična zvezda
Božična zvezda je eden od simbolov praznikov in gotovo bo tudi letos okrasila marsikatero stanovanje. Največkrat jo najdemo v rdeči barvi, seveda pa obstajajo tudi v različnih odtenkih, od roza do modrih 💫.
Meni sta najljubši rdeča in bela. Morda zato, ker sem bolj klasičen tip osebe.
V takšni barvni kombinaciji sta tudi božični zvezdi v tej kolekciji. Ena je rdeča in bolj barvita, druga je bela, bolj prefinjena in elegantna. Obe imata izrazit 3D učinek, saj sta izdelani s Crafter’s Companion/Gemini 3D Embossing Folder & Stencil – Precious Poinsettias. Rdečo božično zvezdo sem pobarvala s priloženo šablono in Distress Oxide Lumberjack plaid ter Distress Ink Festive Berries blazinicami. Spodnji del voščilnic krasi rdeč papir s teksturo. Voščilo je štampiljka Najlepši par Veselje ob praznikih , ki sem ga vroče embosirala z Nuvo Classic gold embosirnim prahom. Obe voščilnici imata zlate detajle, ki ju popestrita in dodata nekaj blišča 🌟. Katera ti je ljubša?
Vsaka voščilnica ima priloženo tudi ujemajočo okrašeno kuverto ✉️.
A je tudi tvoja najljubša rdeča barva božične zvezde? Komaj čakam, da vidim katera je. Zapiši spodaj v komentar 👇.
- Through the Craft Room Door: AG – 22th November 2022
- Creative fingers challenge blog: AG #244
- Love to Scrap challenge blogspot: AG #158
- Crafting happiness challenges: #137-Christmas
- Allsorts challenge: #705 – It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
- Pammie’s Inky Pinkies Challenges: AG #2248
- Avenue 613: AG December 2022
- Corrosive challenges by Janet: AG #11
- Cards galore challenges: AG #December
- FB skupina Papirčkarice: Izziv #78. RDEČA BARVA
- The holly and ivy christmas challenge: Anything christmas goes 29-nov
- The 12 months of Christmas: AG #95 opt twist CHRISTMAS
- Najlepši par: Galerija December 2022
- ABC Christmas Challenge Blog: w and/or x
- Vesela hiška: #37 Prazniki
- Once upon a time: #5 Legend of poinsettia
P.S s temi voščilnicami sem bila med TOP PICK na blog Izzivu Love to Scrap challenge blogspot: AG #158. Tega sem vzelo vesela, saj je dokaz, da gredo moji izdelki v pravo smer.
Hvala za ogled in komentarje.
Lep pozdrav.
30 komentarjev
Made By Mandy
Thank you very much for entering your lovely card into our challenge. Good luck with the prize draw.
Stay healthy, happy, keep crafting and Creating Joy 🙂
Mandy ♥
DT for The 12 Months of Christmas Link Up
Made By Mandy – My personal Blog
Thank you Mandy. Best regards, Anka
Res se je zelo težko odločiti katera je tista, ki zmaga. Ker inma prav vsaka svoj čar. Zelo lepe božične zvezde si nam pripeljala v Veselo hiško. Pozdrav in objem. Janja DT
Ravno v takšni “zagati” sem bila med njuno izdelavo. Zato, pa sem koncu izdelala obe varianti 🙂 Hvala za obisk Janja. LP, Anka
Beautiful designs – I love them both but the one with the pop of red on the embossing is just marginally my favourite!
Thanks for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.
Helen x
Thank you Helen for stopping by and commenting. Best regards, Anka
Zelo lepe voščilnice z božično zvezdo. Hvala, da si se pridružila našemu prazničnemu izzivu v Veseli hiški.
Valerija DT
Hvala Valerija za lepe besede. V veliko veselje mi je sodelovati v Veseli hiški, saj izžareva pozitivno vzdušje. LP, Anka
splendide création, chic et élégante, merci de jouer avec nous chez ABC Christmas Challenge, biz
Merci beaucoup pour les compliments Fabiola. Au revoir, Anka
Deanne Saunders
Gorgeous!!! Thanks so much for participating in my ONCE UPON A TIME challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!!
Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
Deanne Saunders
I have no idea why my name gets changed to Deanna. It’s DEANNE.
Thank you for your kind words Deanne. And thank you for stopping by. Best regards, Anka
Jeanette Cloyd
These look fabulous! I love the bits of gold with the classi red. Very nice! Thank you for sharing your talent with us at Crafting Happiness Challenges! Merry Christmas!
Thank you Jeanette for stopping by. I’m glad you like the fine gold details on the cards. Best regards, Anka
Krasna praznična kombinacija. Dolgo sem se odločala, kateram je ljubša, na koncu je zmagala bela 🙂
Hvala, ker si tako lepo okrasila veselo hiško, Majda
Hvala Majda za lepe besede. Tudi sama bi se težko odločila med obema voščilnicama, ampak se strinjam, da je bela nekaj posebnega na svoj način. Lep pozdrav, Anka
Em Fairley
Anka, they are both beautiful! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!
Hugs, Em
613 Avenue Create DT
Creative Em my blog
Thank you Em for stopping by. It is always a pleasure playing along at 613 Avenue Create. Best regards, Anka
Lovely Christmas card.
Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m
Thank you Mervi, I’m glad you like it. Best regards, Anka
Becca Morris Sadler
Anka: Your poinsettia cards are phenomenal!! Outstanding!!! I’m here to thank you for linking to THICC challenge blog! Also, I’m a design team member for Once Upon A Time challenge blog that is currently having the children’s book “The Legend of the Poinsettia” as the theme. You might want to check that out. –Becca/DT
Thank you Becca for your kind words and for mentioning the other blog challenge. I will definitely check it out! Best regards, Anka
Pauline C
Beautiful and elegant cards with fab stencilling and embossing. Thanks so much for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week.
Pauline xx
Thank you Pauline for your kind words. Best regards, Anka
Beautiful embossing and colouring. Thanks for taking part in my theme this week at Allsorts. Lynn x
Thanks Lynn. It is always a pleasure playing along at Allsorts. Best regards, Anka
An elegant seasonal card, many thanks for joining in our ‘It beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ theme at Allsorts challenge this week.
B x
Thank you Brenda! It is my pleasure playing along at the challenge. Best regards, Anka